Saturday, August 28, 2010

Getting Closer...

The COUNTDOWN is in action! My Mission Farewell will be in 15 days and I will enter the Provo MTC in 18 days on September 15th at 1:00 pm!!! Im thrilled! So a lot of different things have happened. For starters Im not sure if I posted any blogs about the whole run down of being sick or anything but to sum it all up quick,
a week after I got back from Lake Powell I became extremely sick with severe pain that just kept getting worse. I fainted at Temple square in Salt Lake and was rushed off to the hospital. Anna took very good care of me. Turned out I caught a parasite from the lake water that spread rapidly through my system and attacked my kidney. It was trying to kill me and I was taking 7 lortab's a day for pain that made it impossible to walk. I went back to the hospital to get more tests run and different medication. I started to progress by the 16th day of this and then got Trush from the strong medicine I was taking. This whole experience, along with some other things, really tested my faith. I became to frustrated to the point of asking why this was neccesary for my progress and I came to realize, there are not always divine purposes for everything when it comes to health, its just part of mortality. I went to church only to have my testimony reconfirmed by another person expressing their love for this gospel and trials that make us stronger. He reminded me of Joseph Smith who was locked in a jail for the longest time and asked God "how long shall thy hand be stayed?" He too wondered why and how long the suffering would go on. It hit me for the umpteenth time that the Savior truly suffered the ultimate price for all of us. We must first be brought down before we can be risen up and we are first tried a great amount before we can recieve a great amount of blessings. I became humbled even more than I had ever been before and soon I was completely healed. My first day that I felt better Mitch Witcamp, Tigg and I all went to Zion National Park and hiked in the river all the way up the Narrows. Ive always thought the best way to recover is being out in nature and enjoying the fresh air. After coming out of a coma of bed I felt like I could climb all of Mount Everest. I felt SO much better.

I also recieved my Farewell Talk Topic and I have been really searching the scriptures for all the things I feel inspired to share. I finally finished ALL of the Old Testament of the Bible yesterday! Im half way through the New Testament! I love the Bible and the incredible stories of faith that it preserves. I know that if I got thrown into a furnice or lions den or swallowed by a whale I would probably not be the bravest person. Countless examples of faith and righteous men. I love reading about our Heavenly Father's power and his love for us.

Recently I went down to Las Vegas with Brooke and Mike Seely for the battle of the bands. Shallow Day made it to the top 5 out of 800 bands to begin with! I was disguised as the Marilyn Monroe for their newer song Hollywood Lady and we had a good time. The Vaughns, Seelys, Champlins and neighbors all were there to rock out and support them. It was a good time!

I have been so completely busy with getting everything together preparitory to the mish and I have truly witnessed how EXPENSIVE EVERYTHING is for a mission! Its costed me so much money already! But worth it to be in the service of my neighbors and the Savior whom I am indebted to. So its a blessing. Everyone who has helped me is also in my prayers. Ive been nervous but extrememly excited for my journey living in Argentina! I have been able to spend quality time with some very special people here that mean a lot to me. Alex, Kyle, Scott, Marlin, Michaela, Lisa, Rory, Gav, Mitch you guys are awesome! I am so blessed to live with Anna and Dave they are the greatest people. I am forever grateful for them. I have been able to spend some time with my Mom. I was able to express a lot of my feelings to her over the years that shes never known about me. I miss my little sister like crazy but she is up at her fathers house in Idaho and I hope to have her come down and spend time with me before I leave. I will miss her so much! She will grow and change the most while Im gone and I hate to miss any of it but I will come back a changed person also and I hope to be a great example for her always.

Last night I was able to spend time with my Mom. We bumped into Wes and Tal in Mesquite and it was so nice to see their faces even though I just saw them the other day, I just love them so much and miss seeing them every single day. Makes me smile just to see them. I ended up staying the night with my Mom (cant remember the last time Ive been able to do that). We prayed together, I thanked Heavenly Father for the time I have been given to spend with her and I felt a great feeling that my family will be very taken care of and safe while im gone. When I woke up this morning at about 8 am the sun barely cracked through the window and fell on my face It grew brighter and brighter and I was filled with this incredible feeling of peace and happiness. I starred at the brightness and felt so good about my life right now. I walked to the window and could see the St. George Temple just as bright as the sun. An exciting feeling came over me to go back in there again. My first time going through was strange to take in all kinds of things at once but the feeling of Heaven is the best part. Today is our family reunion at my Aunts house in Winchester and Im so excited to see my family that I haven't seen for so long. This will be my goodbye to the them because Im not sure if or when Ill see them all next. We all live so far spread out and far away.

Im so grateful for everything that I have. I am blessed to have what I do and I couldn't possibly focus on what I lack. Im so very happy because I CHOOSE to be and it feels amazing. Life is getting better each day. I wish all of you the same sunshine to wake you in the mornings that helps you choose to be as happy as possible. Take ahold of your life and make it what you want. Be the change you want to see happen. Come what may, Love, Laugh, make your own fairytale and Live your dreams.


  1. Sis. Gillum, Just found your blog and your comments on our son's mission blog(maintained by family members during his absence). Hope you have an amazing experience. We'll continue to check out your blog and pray for all of our sweet missionaries! from Sis. Ludwig

  2. :) GREAT! Thanks so much I'll be sure to tell your son hello when I see him out there in Buenos North! Hopefully there won't be too much trouble with Visa's. I know I will get out there eventually. The work is incredible I'm very excited to be a part of it! Best Wishes to you and your family!
